The Hawaii Couple Podcast
A podcast all about relationships hosted by Reid and Cari Chung, The Hawaii Couple Podcast mission is about inspiring everyone to create a fulfilling and happy relationships. Our weekly podcast will share relationship stories and adventures together. Each week we will give you great advice to improve your relationship(s) and keep love alive. We will also feature interviews with amazing people and couples who will share their stories of who they are and the relationships in their lives. Subscribe to the show to get episodes like this and more straight to your device. Episodes appear each Monday. For questions or comments to Reid and Cari, email thehawaiicouplepodcast@gmail.com.Connect with us on:Instagram: @thehawaiicoupleFacebook: The Hawaii Couple PodcastYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/caritaira
49 episodes
Episode 49: Three month postpartum baby update
On the week of Ellie's 3rd month of life, Reid + Cari sit down to discuss what's new as parents, breastfeeding, body image, parenting, and much more. Questions or comments to Reid + Cari, email: thehawaiicouplepodcast@gmail.com
Season 3
Episode 49

Episode 48: Starting and growing a YouTube channel with Luke Takayama
Reid + Cari sit down with PhotoLukeHawaii's Luke Takeyama on how he got started in YouTube, his growth to 20,000 subs, and what's next for his channel.PhotoLukeHawaii is a team including my wife Cheryl, our son Austin, and myself Luke. ...
Season 3
Episode 48

Episode 47: A conversation about motherhood with friends Eryn and Dayna
Reid + Cari sit down with Cari's long time friends Eryn and Dayna to discuss what their motherhood journey has been like. Eryn has a 1 year old daughter names Miko and Dayna has a 5 month old son named Parker. Each tells stories abo...
Season 3
Episode 47

Episode 46: How to Raise a Smart Baby
Reid + Cari breakdown an article they read about how to raise a smart baby. They discuss the points in the article and share the sometimes different opinions they each have on the topic. Article: https://www.babycenter...
Season 3
Episode 46

Episode 45: All about the boobs!
Boobs, Boobs, Boobs! Cari goes into detail about her breastfeeding journey and the breastfeeding stigma surrounding women. Reid + Cari also update Ellie's journey at her 6th week of life and share some lessons learned.Questi...
Season 3
Episode 45

Episode 44: The Hawaii Couple and a Baby
Reid + Cari are back after a short break with a third season. In this episode they share the story of the birth of their new baby girl. Cari discusses what it is like as a new mother, while Reid wishes there was more equality at the...
Season 3
Episode 44

Episode 43: The final countdown to the baby!
Reid + Cari talk about the remaining days until their baby girl is born. Cari walks through what she is doing to prepare and her feelings towards giving birth. Reid shares about his anxiety over the upcoming arrival.Question...
Season 2
Episode 43

Episode 42: The top five qualities a woman looks for in a partner
Join Reid + Cari as their discuss the top five qualities a woman looks for in a partner or spouse (based on their opinion). With so many singles out there wondering :"what do females want out of a man?" It is no wonder that many get it wr...
Season 2
Episode 42

Episode 41: Thoughts about becoming a new dad and reflections on our fathers
Reid + Cari discuss how Reid feels about becoming a new dad on this Father's Day. They also talk about their own fathers and the lessons they learned from them. Happy Father's Day to all the dads and dads to be out there!
Season 2
Episode 41

Episode 40: Achieving the dream of becoming a stay at home parent
Reid + Cari discuss their decision and thought process to have Cari stay at home for the first year of motherhood. From finances to expectations, they each outline the importance of the decision and how they came to it. Ques...
Season 2
Episode 40

Episode 39: The dangers of too much technology on our kids
From smartphones and social media to TV and tablet-based toys, today’s kids are constantly inundated by technology. While it’s important for children and teens to develop an aptitude for technology, after all, they will use computers their whol...
Season 2
Episode 39

Episode 38: More real estate questions with Austin O'Leary and Ryan Oda from Forward Realty
Reid + Cari are back with another interview of Austin and Ryan from Forward Realty. In this episode Austin and Ryan discuss the real estate market with rising mortgage interest rates, Hawaii supply and demand and the next evolution of bot...
Season 2
Episode 38

Episode 37: Reflecting back on our Mom’s for Mother’s Day
Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mom's out there! Reid + Cari have a chance to sit down and reflect on their mom's and how much they mean to their families. We all have a special person that we call mom. Take the time to ...
Season 2
Episode 37

Episode 36: Our responsibility to pass down our culture
Reid + Cari fresh out of seeing a new play Oriental Faddah and Son by Lee Tonouchi (Cari's cousin), explore the beauty and simplicity of the life story told by Lee through poems and anecdotes about his father (faddah) and his grandparents. ...
Season 2
Episode 36

Episode 35: Life lessons learned through golf
Reid has been playing golf almost his entire life. Without realizing it as a child, there were many life lessons that he took away from the sport. Cari + Reid sit down to talk through what he learned. Reid gets personal and sh...
Season 2
Episode 35

Episode 34: Change is inevitable
Reid + Cari sit down to talk through change. You inherit new responsibilities at work, your marriage may go through changes, even positive things like birth, new home - can cause inner turmoil. Reid + Cari share changes that have be...
Season 2
Episode 34

Episode 33: Time management relationship hacks
Reid + Cari discuss how they work together to manage their time and juggle all that life offers. In this season of personal introspection, why does improving time management remain such a persistent, perennial goal for so many of us? The ...
Season 2
Episode 33

Episode 32: Second trimester pregnancy update
Reid + Cari update everyone on what has been going on with the baby since a month ago. They also dive into debates over parenting topics like Montessori parenting style, cloth vs regular diapers, and baby names.Subscribe to the sh...
Season 2
Episode 32

Episode 31: Better relationship communication skills
Reid + Cari didn't always communicate well. In fact, they are a work in progress. In this episode they explore 5 lessons in relationship communication to better overcome conflict. Along the way, they rehash and explore their p...
Season 2
Episode 31

Episode 30: What nobody tells you about moving
Reid + Cari take you into their life update by sharing what to expect when...moving. Cari shares her mindset on purging the past and Reid talks about the financial expectations around buying a new home.Subscribe to the show to get...
Season 2
Episode 30

Episode 29: First trimester pregnancy update
Reid + Cari discuss the first and second trimester of their pregnancy. Cari shares about her pregnancy insecurities and body changes and Reid discusses the upcoming responsibility of fatherhood.Subscribe to the show to get episode...
Season 2
Episode 29

Episode 28: How can I afford a home in Hawaii? A conversation with Austin O'Leary and Ryan Oda of Forward Realty
Reid + Cari get to know two amazing real estate advisors Austin O'Leary and Ryan Oda from Forward Realty. In this episode, Austin and Ryan educate on the basics of buying Residential and Commercial real estate, the current state of Hawai...
Season 2
Episode 28

Episode 27: Meeting internationally renowned psychic and spiritual healer Lan Vo
Reid + Cari describe their individual experiences with Lan Vo, who is a well known and renowned psychic and spiritual healer in Honolulu. Skeptical at first, both Reid + Cari found out some interesting things about their life and future. ...
Season 2
Episode 27

Episode 26: The rollercoaster ride called parenting with Jenny and Laurie Rubin-Taira
Reid + Cari do a life update with Jenny and Laurie Rubin-Taira. They open up about the initial struggles of integrating newborns and balancing careers and a growing business with raising a family. Laurie also opens up about some hea...
Season 2
Episode 26

Episode 25: Very special update on our IVF journey. We are having a baby!!!
Reid + Cari open themselves up to sharing an update on their In vitro fertilization (IVF) process after unsuccessful attempts and having a miscarriage. They get intimate with their story and open up in hopes of helping others that struggl...
Season 2
Episode 25